Do not break up if you feel one ounce of resentment, bitterness or hate or judgement towards your partner.
Do not break up if you have not been all the love that you are.
Do not break up under any reaction, non-clarity or refusal of communication. Express and communicate clearly and in completion, whether it be face to face, by writing or whatever format. Express no matter the response or there lack of.
Do not accept one ounce of abuse or lack of adoration. If your partner is into someone or something else more than you; if you are not both ALL into each other, why stay together?
Do not be saddened one bit by why your partner is no longer all into you. Do not accept the lie that it is because of you. Love never makes excuses. Love does not shut anyone out. Do not beg what is not love to be love. Simply observe.
Do not allow the tension from a break up or the corruption of love to violate the purity of love that you are. Deepen this purity by your beholding observation to yourself and to your (ex)partner.
Separation is a review and realisation period of how expectation, ownership, insistence, entitlement has married you, and thus not to invite them in your next and every thereafter relationship.
The imagery of breaking up are 2 people still holding hearts, but not in a physical way. Even if only one party doing this only, it is still beholding the both of you. If there is observation then the beholding goes to all others who are going through the same thing, the beholding is not done by you, but by love.
No different than when uniting as a couple, in separation, one party always lead the Livingness of love, so that separation no longer carries the bad rep of a heart, broken by a zig zag line in the middle-which is a lie.
